List of winners:
1.Remy Mevel
2.Mayank Raj
1. Remy Mevel and Phong Nguyen
2.Mayank Raj and Vipul Singhal
1. Ho-Hsuan Wei & Yuh-Shyang Wang
2. Xin Wang & Phong Nguyen
1. Xiang Liu
2.Christine Cheng
1. Binjih Lin
2. Zhaorong Jin
1. Vipul Singhal & Stephen Perry
2. Phong Nguyen & Amy Nguyen
1. Saurabh Bajaj & Jagriti Agrawal
2. Kelly Douglas & Chunjun Charles Cao
1. Min-Feng Tu & Ho-Hsuan Wei
2. Kelly Douglas & Elizabeth Jensen
1.Paul Zhang
2.Sameer Kulkarni
1. Mathew Joseph & Mrinmoy Nag
2. Peter Burton & Paul Zhang
1. Chih-Kai Yang & Yi-Chun Chen
2. Manuel Monge & Tami McDunn
1. Jagriti Agrawal
2. Yingdi Liu
1. Poorna Subramanium & Tami McDunn
2. Jesselyn Javier & Amy Nguyen
Congratulations to all winners and we would like to thank all participants for making Caltech Spring Swing 2014 a great success!
Our badminton club would like to thank:
Yalan Ding for designing the poster, &Mayank Raj for designing the T-shirt.Mayank Raj, Remy Mevel and Zhaorong Jin for planning matches and timelines.Our photographers, Morgane Plassart & Stephen Perry for taking photos, documenting our event.Aron Kamajaya and Caltech Y for helping us with the audio system.
Our front-desk members, Amy Nguyen, Cindy Wang, Parul Kudtarkar, Shilpi Sneha and Sophia Dai, for arranging all matches, keeping track of our timelines. Our dedicated umpires, Cindy Wang, Mayank Raj, Neel Nadkarni, Remy Mevel, Sophia Dai, Thejesh N Bandi, Yi Cao, Yuh-Shyang Wang, and Zhaorong Jin, as well as our volunteer umpires, Anand Vaidya, Chen-Chih Hsu, Elizabeth Jensen, Ishan Tembhekar, Kuang-Wei Yang, Saurabh Bajaj, Vipul Singhal, Xiang Liu, and Yi-Chun Chen, for helping us run every single game.
John Carter and the staff members of Caltech Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation for preparing and supporting our tournament.
Moore-Hufstedler Fund for sponsoring us.
And once again, thanks to all the participants for making our tournament a great success. We hope to see you again at Spring Swing Tournament 2015.
Phong Nguyen
President of Caltech Badminton Club
Webmaster: Su Zhao| Copyright © 2016 Caltech Badminton Club |