Congratulations to all winners and thank you all participants for making Caltech Spring Swing 2016 a great success!
List of winners:
The golden racket (the win-it-all player)
Chujun Lin (advanced WS, WD, XD)
1. Rémy Mével
2. Di Wu
1. Chujun Lin
2. Chen Chang
1. Phong Nguyen & Rémy Mével
2. Yuh-Shyang Wang & Chen-Chih Hsu
1. Chujun Lin & Sophia Dai
2. Min-Feng Tu & Liz jensen
1. Chujun Lin & Di Wu
2. Sophia Dai & Rémy Mével
1. Stephen Bresanello
2. Ron Appel
1. Sophia Liu
2. Jiajia Xiao
1. Tung Wongwaitayakornkul & Pai Buabthong
2. Yitong Ma & Yicheng Luo
1. Catalina Miritescu & Xiang Liu
2. Shreya Ramachandran & Jiajia Xiao
1. Xiang Liu & Stephen bresanello
2. Elizabeth Jensen & Sandy Nandagopal
1. Siddharth Jain
2. Azher Mughal
1. Rebecca Saive
2. Areeba Azhar
1. Evgeny Mozgunov & Ashish Goel
2. Michaelangelo Lucas & Parker Won
1. Amy Nguyen & So Yong Son
2. Seyedeh Mahsa Kamali & Akram Noori
1. Cindy Huang & Kevin Tat
2. Jagriti Agrawal & Anand Phoozikunnel
Our badminton club would like to thank:
Vipul SInghal & Min-Feng Tu for designing the poster;
Remy Mevel & Mickey Wang for planning matches and timelines;
Sophia Dai for updating the website;
Our front-desk members, Christoph Muller, Bing Jiang, Ho-Hsuan Wei, John Pang, Yuh-Shyang Wang, Zhaorong Jin for arranging all matches, keeping track of our timelines;
Our dedicated umpires, Chen-Chih Hsu, John Pang, Han-Hsin Lin, Ho-Hsuan Wei, Manish Verma, Remy Mevel, Tung Wongwaitayakornkul, Vipul Singhal, Yi Cao, Yuh-Shyang Wang, and Zhaorong Jin as well as our volunteer umpires, Chia-Wei Hsu, Christine Cheng, Elizabeth Jensen, Jialiu Wang, Muxi Yan, Ruyue Xu, Stephen Bresanello for helping us run every single game.
Our photographer, Vipul Singhal & ChiaTsing Shen for taking photos, documenting our event;
John Carter and the staff members of Caltech Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation for preparing and supporting our tournament;
Caltech Y for supporting us with the audio system;
The Caltech Graduate Student Association (GSC), Moore-Hufstedler Fund (MHF), Caltech Alumni Association (CAA), and ASCIT for funding us.
And once again, thanks to all the participants for making our tournament a great success. We hope to see you again at our next Swing Tournament 2016.
Mickey Wang
President of Caltech Badminton Club
Webmaster: Su Zhao| Copyright © 2016 Caltech Badminton Club |